Reviews and star ratings are an important way to help other customers decide who to hire for their own job.
To leave a review for a business, you should:
- have experienced their service or product as part of the job you're reviewing, or have paid a deposit
- give your honest opinion of their work,
- avoid statements that are inflammatory or misleading,
- avoid swear words and discriminatory language.
You must not use our reviews system as a way to harass or threaten a business member.
If we believe your review does not meet these guidelines, we may ask you to re-write your review or to provide evidence to show the review is your genuinely held opinion based on work done by the business.
1 and 2 star reviews
If you've had a bad experience with a business, a review helps to make your voice heard and to hold the business accountable.
Please note that the overall star rating of every business counts all reviews, good and bad. This is how future customers can make an informed decision about who to hire and how we manage our services marketplace.
If you've suffered damage or loss as a result of service provided to you, we also recommend you follow the ACCC's guidelines on consumer complaints.
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