FAQs for Businesses
Common questions about getting leads, buying membership and winning work
- How does Average Daily Budget work?
- A lead I tried to follow up has closed
- What is a lead?
- What if a lead isn’t a genuine opportunity?
- How do I unsubscribe?
- Does my lead credit expire?
- Responding to a bad review
- How can I update my ABN?
- How do I edit my Profile?
- How do I change the type of leads I'm receiving?
- How much does it cost to get leads and contact customers?
- What's the best price you can offer on renewal?
- How do I increase the area in which I can accept work?
- Do I get a tax invoice?
- What's the Police Check Badge?
- How do I get a customer's contact details?
- When will I start getting leads?
- I've contacted a lead. What's next?
- What happens if I decide not to complete the Background Check?
- Does my business have any negative reviews?
- Can I supply my own Police Check?
- How many leads will I get?
- What does it cost to get leads?
- Can I have a trial?
- How do customers leave me reviews and star ratings?
- How do I confirm that my membership has been cancelled and no more payments will be charged?
- Where can I see negative feedback?
- How do I get the Identity Badge on my Background Check?
- Why is my business not appearing in searches?
- Do I have to give a price online?